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Registration of visitors for the specialized exhibition Defectoscopy / NDT St. Petersburg, which will be held on September 7-8, 2021 in St. Petersburg, at the Expoforum Exhibition Center, has opened.
The organizers of the exhibition: MVK company, the office in St. Petersburg and the magazine "NDT World".
The 21st International Specialized Exhibition of Devices and Equipment for Industrial Non-Destructive Testing Defectoscopy / NDT St. Petersburg is a specialized exhibition focused on the practical application of modern means of non-destructive testing, held in different regions of Russia since 2000.
In St. Petersburg, the exhibition will provide suppliers with a unique opportunity to meet with consumers of products for non-destructive testing in the North-Western Federal District, where the largest industrial enterprises are located, for which the introduction of modern methods of non-destructive testing is of exceptional importance - machine-building plants, enterprises of the metallurgical, chemical, energy industries and many others.
The exhibition participants will present their products in the following sections:
* Acoustic emission
* Acoustic control
* Eddy current control
* Vibration control
* Infrared / Thermal monitoring
* Visual / Optical control
* Magnetic control
* Magnetic particle control
* Capillary flaw detection
* Mechanical control
* Ultrasonic inspection
* Radiation monitoring
* Leak Detection
• Electrical control
We invite you to visit the exhibition managers and specialists of technical control departments and metrological services of production enterprises of various industries, research institutes, independent laboratories of non-destructive testing, as well as regional dealers of equipment for NDT, interested in expanding the range of modern devices and equipment.